Author: Steph Jones, Senior Cyber Security Specialist/Analyst Team Lead – SIEM, Jisc Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is one key tool of a wider set of controls that you should employ in seeking to protect and defend your organisation from cyber attack. These controls are sometimes referred to as Defence in Depth. SIEM collects […]
Author: Stuart McCulloch, Cyber Essentials assessor This blog post focuses on options for implementing technical controls to manage personally owned or bring-your-own devices (BYOD) to meet the requirements of the Government’s Cyber Essentials (CE) scheme. We find that our sector is primarily Microsoft focused and so this blog covers its MDM solutions, but there numerous available. […]
This blog post has been prepared in response to the large number of queries and concerns Jisc assessors have received about how bring-your-own device (BYOD) policies and implementations fit into the Cyber Essentials (CE) scheme. CE is a Government-backed annual certification scheme setting out a range of basic security controls organisations should have in place […]
Business continuity is all about asking ‘what if…?’ What if this fails? Or what if this becomes unavailable? What if we need a back-up plan? The theme for 2022 The Business Continuity Institute’s theme for this year is building resilience in the hybrid world. No one needs three guesses as to why this theme has […]
By Clare Stonebridge, Jisc network security services manager and Ben Crowther, Jisc defensive services manager, 31 March 2022. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are the malicious acts of cyber criminals attempting to disrupt computer and internet resources. These attacks have increased in size, frequency and duration over the past few years and continue to […]
Author: Jon Trickey, Information security officer Intro “Change your password regularly” is a frequently heard piece of password advice. However, enforcing password expiry can result in users making small, predictable changes to their existing password (for example, winter2021 > spring2022), rather than choosing an entirely new one. This has the opposite effect to the one […]
Author: Jon Hunt, Cyber security service delivery manager The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) describes the seriousness of the recently identified Log4j vulnerability very succinctly: “Last week, a vulnerability was found in Log4j, an open-source logging library commonly used by apps and services across the internet. If left unfixed, attackers can break into systems, steal […]
Author: Tracy Matthews, cyber security assessment manager, Jisc Expert support to gain cyber essentials certification Jisc’s Cyber Essentials service is a trusted way to obtain and renew your cyber essentials certificate. Cyber Essentials is a government-backed certification that will help your organisation provide protection against the most common cyber attacks. Give your stakeholders confidence in […]
By Hannah Marshall, Director of Information and Data Services at NCG On Thursday 30th September NCG implemented MFA on Microsoft 365 for all students, no exceptions. You might think why not a phased rollout? With over 40,000 student accounts in our Microsoft Tenancy across our seven colleges we simply couldn’t resource a phased rollout, and to […]
An initial access broker specialises in gaining access to target organisations before selling that access on underground marketplaces. Ransomware groups commonly purchase this access from them. Curated Intelligence have written a blog post showing how information flows between the different parties involved this work.