
Preparing for the End of Windows 10 Support in October

Preparing for the End of Windows 10 Support in October As Microsoft phases out support for Windows 10 in October, users and businesses worldwide face an essential decision: how to transition smoothly to an updated system without disrupting operations or security. Here’s an updated guide to help you navigate this change: Understand What End of […]


MFA for Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)   What is MFA? Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an authentication process that necessitates users to provide evidence of their identity through the submission of multiple verification methods, commonly known as “factors.” This approach ensures both the user’s identity and the legitimacy of their credential access. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is […]


Expert support to gain Cyber Essentials certification

Author: Tracy Matthews, cyber security assessment manager, Jisc Expert support to gain cyber essentials certification Jisc’s Cyber Essentials service is a trusted way to obtain and renew your cyber essentials certificate. Cyber Essentials is a government-backed certification that will help your organisation provide protection against the most common cyber attacks. Give your stakeholders confidence in […]

A morning in the life of a Cyber Essentials assessor

Grabbing my morning coffee, I log in to the Jisc Cyber Essentials Pervade portal and see I have 3 Cyber Essentials assessments to mark today That shouldn’t take me too long, if the applicants have been clear and detailed in their responses. I need to have a good understanding of their estate to award […]